Sharon Litwin, 1942-2016
Sharon Litwin was an Englishwoman who arrived in New Orleans in 1956 and quickly became a force as a journalist and community activist. Her work included that of producer at WYES-TV, a reporter for the States-Item and the Times-Picayune, many leadership posts at the New Orleans Museum of Art, and then, senior vice president of the Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra. In 2010, she co-founded NolaVie, an online source that showcases stories, galleries, as well as video and audio created by journalists, artists, photographers, student researchers, and non-profit community organizations.
Sharon Litwin, center, with Mayor Mitch Landrieu and First Lady Cheryl Landrieu, ca. 2012. Courtesy of Renée Peck and NolaVie.
Sharon Litwin at Symphony Gala, ca. 2009. Photgraph by Judy Cooper. Courtesy of Judy Cooper.
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