New Americans Club
Members of the New Americans Club, founded in the late 1940s, mobilized in many ways to help one another in becoming New Orleanians. They also organized in 1961 in response to George Lincoln Rockwell and the American Nazi Party’s picketing of the movie Exodus at the Civic Theatre in New Orleans. Though urged not to counter-demonstrate by more settled members of the Jewish community who feared a new wave of Anti-Semitism, club members felt compelled to fight Rockwell and his followers because of their personal experiences under Nazism in Europe.
Group Photograph, ca. 1953.
A warm winter day for the group (click on photo to see numbers). Known names: 1. Mina Werchol Tillinger; 4. Adam Skorecki (son of #33 and 42); 16. Gita (Lipshitz) Werchol (wife of #13 and mother of #1); 17. Michael (Mayshe) Werchol(ewski) (father of #1 and husband of #12); 37. Mark Skorecki (father of #4 and husband of #42); 46. Ruth Skorecki (mother of #4 and wife of #42).
National Council of Jewish Women, Greater New Orleans Section, Collection 667, Louisiana Research Collection, Tulane University.
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